
Monday 19 January 2015

Get Up and Go - Gone AWOL!

I seem to be missing my hobby get up and go - if anyone finds it, please return it!

In an effort to kickstart things I ordered myself John Wilcox's Bayonets Along The Border, a Simon Fonthill novel I was missing. Perhaps some shenanigans along the Khyber Pass will get the hobby blood pumping and the juices flowing...

I hate it when this happens! :-(


  1. I had a seven month bout of this last year. I only kicked it with the Analogue Painting Challenge. Perhaps you should set yourself a deadline for a project and whatever you get done is all you get to do. I'm hoping it will work for me once the challenge is over.

  2. Sounds like a plan, a good read always gets figure juices flowing! Well it does with me anyway??
