
Tuesday 2 September 2014

Osprey Announce 2015 Wargames Titles

Osprey have annouced their 2015 wargames titles on their blog.

The Bolt Action supplements look interesting although I am not convinced about the logic in cramming whoe theatres into one book, when they could have taken a leaf out of Battlefront's book and produced more detailed campaign specific works. Still Bolt Action 11: Empire in Flames: The Pacific and the Far East (June 2015) and Bolt Action 12: Germany Strikes!: Early War in Europe (October 2015) look interesting even if the first is casting too wide a net in my humble opinion. Bolt Action: World War I (September 2015) should also be interesting as I liked the old GW Great War rules.

However the one that has really grabbed my attention is Frostgrave: Fantasy Wargames in the Frozen City (March 2015) "an exciting new set of fantasy skirmish rules that sees rival wizards and their henchmen fighting over long-lost magical secrets and artefacts in the frozen ruins of a once-great city". I found a couple of blogs with more details, the author's blog The Renaissance Troll telling us more about the game and background and Cor Blog Me! having some interesting playtest reports. With sides of 5 to 12 figures, this looks like it could be an interesting side project next year.


  1. Looks very interesting - some nice pictures of the playtesting.

  2. October 15th for Germany Strikes, eh. I'd better start writing it.
