
Thursday 28 August 2014

Maximillian Affair: Mexican Republican Infantry

It's been a little while since I painted anything for the Maximillian Affair project, but when ordering the 2mm SF from Irregular Miniatures, I noted that they had just released a 28mm Maximillian range. There were no photos at the time (there are now) so I ordered three Jurista infantry to see what they were like.

Ok, they are not as good as the Foundry models I have, but I was not expecting that. However, for 90p a figure, they are more than acceptable, being at a level with much of the Old Glory range. They will provide a cheap option for bulking out Republican units, especially as Irregular offer discounted unit packs.

As you can see from this photo, size wise, they are fractionally taller than the Foundry figures I painted last year, but not to the point that they cannot be mixed.

Painting Target: 488/1000

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