
Saturday 9 August 2014

ArcWorlde: Jungle Gremlins of Chaq-Itza I

A return to ArcWorlde today and the first of the Jungle Gremlins of Chaq-Itza - three headhunters!

Lovely models, I decided to paint them with the same black skin technique I used for the Black Trolls back in January.

I think this has worked well and provides a nice contrast to the red wooden masks and green jungle terrain.

Having "themed" the Hobgoblin bases to their background I had to continue the idea, so for the jungles of Chaq-Itza I bought some 'Aztec/Jungle' bases from Blitzkrieg Minatures, which are much nicer than they look in the photos and highly recommended.

Painting Target: 462/1000

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