
Wednesday 23 July 2014

Arcworlde Arrives...

You may recall last year I contracted a case of Ohhshinyitis with the Arcworlde Kickstarter. Despite the best efforts of UPS to lose the goodies ("your parcel has be left at... S") a big box of resin and white metal has now arrived in Bristol and I spent a good hour unpacking it going "ooh, oooh and ooooh!" :-)

Some really lovely models here and the great thing is Alex Huntley's sculpting style has its own uniqueness and character, rather than the more common clone GW or Copplestone school look. With a ton of beautiful miniatures to paint up, including an Undead Leviathan and absolutely huge giant, I've decided to start small with the Hobgoblin warband comprising of seven infantry and one mounted warrior, which I have based up this lunchtime (experimenting with the cat litter to portray their Gaulag Waste homeland).

More soon...

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