
Thursday 19 June 2014

October War: Jordanian Centurion Armoured Squadron

After some prevaricating I decided that I didn't like the Jordanian M113's I posted yesterday as the final (diluted) ink wash had made the main sand colour (Vallejo Green Ochre) too dark. So I repainted them...

This time I did not put a second wash on after the Reflective Green camouflage pattern was added but added a lightened Green to the pattern to provide some highlights. With a bit of Buff weathering I am much happier with them and the Jordanian Centurions I also painted.

As stated yesterday the 40th Armoured Brigade's Centurions saw action on the Golan Front in 1973, impressing the Israelis in the fighting but failing to co-ordinate well with their Syrian and Iraqi allies. The unit is also suitable for the 1967 Six Day War and the 1970-71 Jordanian Civil War when the 40th Armoured fought the Syrian 5th Division which invaded Jordan to support the PLO.

I'm happy with the look of the Jordanians and the Centurion company, they make a nice change for the Israeli sand grey! :-)

Painting Target: 287/1000


  1. However in 1967 the 40th AB was equipped with M48s & M48A1s. There is some evidence that 1 of the armoured btns MAY have had M47s, while other sources say only the 12th btn had M47s.
    The 10th btn had Centurions in 1967.
    Some dispute over the Saladins as well....

    1. That's ok I haven't painted unit markings on them! :-) And surely you won't begrudge me four Saladins Neil?

    2. Steve,
      They are your can use whatever you like!
      Small unit organisation is sketchy for all the combatants; the Israelis have different number tank coys in 1967 depending on type, the Egyptians are thought to follow Soviet practice, the Syrians who knows? As for Jordan, well in 1967 the AB had 2x tank btns, 1x mech btn, 1x SP Art unit. In 1 AB this is a btn, in another a battery? AA? Engineers? Recce? Who knows for certain. I've seen reference to Dusters, engineer coys & recce coys but nothing conclusive. The recce I've seen in Landies, Saladins, Ferrets & even Saracans based on equipment holdings. I can't even say for certain if the 40AB was all M48s or M48s & M47s!
      It's telling that the photographic evidence shows M48s, M47s, Centurions, Landies, M52 SP art & not a lot else........however it doesn't show many trucks, presumably as none were captured intact! The only reference I've seen to possible Saladins is an A/C coy on the East Bank......

    3. Neil, I did come across this photo of a captured Saladin at the IDF Armoured Corps museum which they presumably captured in 1967...

  2. Steve,
    Thanks for that, not one I'd seen. I note the IDF or the museum repainted it in their version of Jordanian camo-very bright yellow sand & brown drab. Interestingly the other "Jordanian" exhibits painted the same are the M52 & the Charioteer. The latter was captured in Lebanon.
    Just to muddy the waters a bit, there were Saladins in Lebanon, so I wonder if that's where this one came from?
    To be 100% certain, either some sort of comtempory photo or primary reference is needed, & I've seen neither.
    However, I think this photo gives enough "wargamers licence" to field some Saladins, probably in the recce coys of the 2x AB. So I'd say go for it....
    BTW I've been working on some higher level orbats for 1967, aimed at an operational level like Megablitz. I am hoping to do something for the SOTCW Journal. I collaborated with a couple of people on the TOE yahoo group to come up with a good attempt at a definitive Israeli OOB for 1967.
    There a lot of good stuff on 1973 on the CD TOB forum; Frank Chadwick was mumbling about doing a booklet on it, but seems to have used his research to produce only a boardgame so far.
