
Tuesday 24 June 2014

Empire of the Dead: Painting Wallpaper

I had to pop down B&Q this morning to pick up some superglue for ongoing October War project and whilst there had a quick peruse at the textured paintable vinyl wallpapers, not for any DIY project mind you...

Many moons ago I used some of this for the grass and ploughed field parts of some Aeronef terrain to pleasing effect (see photo above) and I was wondering whether they would have some patterns suitable for the cobbled streets of Empire of the Dead.

I have found two different patterns that could do the job. The first is pretty much perfect for cobbled streets as can be seen from this (rather small) sample I have quickly painted. I think this will do for the rougher areas of the East End...

The second sample I was somewhat unsure of, the pattern is not quite right when looked at closely but from a distance of about two foot I think it looks pretty good. This said do I really need two different styles of cobbled street?


  1. Great idea, I like both of these. I think the first pattern suggests a fairly well-maintained street, & definitely looks the most 'cobbly'. However the other looks a bit more eroded/damaged/mish-mash (maybe a docks area or run-down district?)

  2. What a brilliant idea! Looks great
    I think the second pattern might match a little better

  3. I think both look good. But the second actually looks a little better, it has a slightly abstract unevenness.

  4. Look in there non Vinyal wallapers there is a perfect cobble pattern in there. I used it for Mordheim many moons ago. Saw some not so long ago.

  5. I think the second example would come up a treat on a gaming table. I like the irregularity of the design.
