
Wednesday 28 May 2014

Blitzkrieg: Clones of Poland?

I started work on my Early War Polish boxed set from Warlord and must say I am very disappointed with the contents. The figures are decent enough, but the amount of duplicated figures in the 24 miniature box really sucks. I wasn't overly happy with the amount of duplication in the French box but this takes the biscuit...

Looking at the picture of a Polish section taken from their website above, you can see that not only do I have six of one particular miniature and three of two other, but there are different figures I don't have any of. I appreciate that with a large section like the Poles had there will be some duplication of miniatures, but to throw in six of one and none of others I don't have does not make for a happy Steve!

Suffice to say I will not be buying any other boxes of WW2 miniatures from Warlord where I cannot see the contents...


  1. I always advocate giving Warlord a call when you have an issue, their customer service is excellent. I am confident they employ actual real trolls to pack their orders, which is why mistakes are so common (so very, very common) but I will always go back because they have sorted out my problems by going above and beyond every time.

    1. I bought it from a third party supplier a few months back, I didn't think to check the contents at the time. In future I will buy figures in blisters or individually.

    2. As long as you have the box, you could drop them a line and see if they could help you out in rounding out the numbers. Perhaps even express a better method of packing to give variety showing your example and disappointment. Their customer service is good when it comes to resolving issues.

    3. Wait until Black Tree has a 35% or 50% off sale, grab some extra Poles then to add variety, granted they only have riflemen but would mix things up. I did that with my French - Crusader, Black Tree Design and Warlord all are in my army.

    4. Complain anyway just in case, I did once with a third party supplier and it turns out all he had to do was walk across the road to Warlord's HQ which he promptly did and solved my problem for me!

  2. This is the second post I've read in has many days knocking Warlord. I hope its not a trend developing, by that I mean they start to let customers down in some way. I must admit that I would be disappointed like you if a found that a product I had bought from them did not live up to expectations; I for one like variety in figures particularly for skirmish games. So come on Warlord don't start to let us down.

    1. I think this may only be with the older sets and lines that they have not addressed yet. I just got the Last Levy boxed set and it was very nice, not only that it had bases in it! Wooden Sarissa ones...Again, as I said, feedback helps them make improvements....I got a batch of bad dice from a retailer about a year ago, cracked and chipped after I opened the packet. Warlord sent me a new pack, I showed them photos of the defects and they took care of me promptly. Also, the old dice quality is the reason why they changed over, I wasn't the first to have that happen to.

    2. I tend to take good snaps of all the stuff on my blog if you want to see the quality of stuff they are producing.
