
Thursday 3 April 2014

Blitzkrieg: Dutch Courage

Over the last couple of years I've mentioned my plans to convert Panzerfäuste into a historical set of WW2 section level skirmish rules - WorldWar: 1940. I have been stockpiling miniatures but today a small box arrived from Portugal that saw some of the miniatures move from "Lead Mountain" to the workbench. Not only that, they were based and undercoated! :-)

The miniatures that inspired this flurry of activity were a blister of ten WW2 Dutch Infantry from Gothic Line Miniatures, I now need to decide on an appropriate paint for the uniform (this photo of a re-enactor shows the distinctive colour of the Dutch uniform).

Of course this has led me to searching out websites on the Dutch army in May 1940 and the War Over Holland site has proven to be full of information and has pages of photos. Het Nederlandsche Leger 1939-40, a Dutch language site is also very interesting, chock full of photos, including many colour ones of uniforms in museums.

1 comment:

  1. look at for a download on colours/paint suggestions.
