
Thursday 10 April 2014

Blitzkrieg: French Infantry I

The Blitzkrieg bug continues with its hold on me and following on from the French vehicles I have managed to complete the first of the French infantry section - the lmg team.

The miniatures are from Warlord and I must say that the Defenders of France set contains some wonderful miniatures, even if my set did not quite have what the box said it would have! (I do wish Warlord would sell them in smaller groups of four and remove the random element in the boxed sets).

I really enjoyed painting these and the remainder of the section are not too far behind (I start the whole section together then spilt them down into smaller groups to finish them off).

2014 Painting Target: 167/1000


  1. Very nice work! I have Crusader and Black Tree Design French that seem to mesh with the Warlord line well. I heard they may go to single or packs...before their website went to hell they just posted LMG team option of 2. Never appeared back. There was a post by Warlord on the board that said their artillery team will be a purchase option without the gun. Also heard singles may be in order like the other model line in the future.

  2. They look very nice indeed. I had quite some issues with Warlord Games also and it took quite a while till I had what the box was supposed to include.

  3. Very nice, I prefer the Crusader miniatures French!
