
Thursday 13 February 2014

The Boy Done Good!

You may recall we spent the end of December and much of January taking Saul off for university auditions/interviews. The good news was that he received conditional offers from all four courses he went for.

He chose the University of Gloucestershire in Cheltenham Spa as his first choice and was gearing his efforts to attaining the grade conditions they required for him to attend.  Yesterday he received another letter from the University...

 "We were very impressed at your interview by the outstanding production and composition of your portfolio. We have been reviewing all applications and are making a small number of unconditional offers to outstanding students who have demonstrated real potential in their field; I'm delighted to let you know that you are one of these."

We are so very proud of him! Are you ready to rock Cheltenham?! :-)


  1. Well done that man - and rightly proud you are.

  2. Congrats - that's a very impressive accomplishment

  3. Well done! Well done indeed!

    My son was accepted to both the universities to which he applied as well. He chose my alma mater, Texas A&M University. Smart bunch of boys we're raising!

  4. Something to be justly proud of. Well done Saul! :O)

  5. Well done and congratulations to Saul.

