
Tuesday 25 February 2014

Generic Inter-War Tankette

A few months back I picked up a generic 28mm resin tankette of eBay for no other reason than it was cute looking and very cheap (IIRC about £3). Since then it has been sat on the workbench as I did not have a clue what I was going to use it for. I still don't, but somehow inspired by the Orinoco Miniatures Chaco War range of infantry I decided a generic tankette warranted a generic paintjob...

As you can see it has painted up well and for the price is an absolute bargain (even if it is not historically anything). The Rif miniature is to give some idea of scale...

The tankette brings up the century of painted models this year, 10% of the painting target, however any celebrations are on hold as we are now 15% of the way into 2014 so I need to up my game (and dig out the dip!)

2014 Painting Target: 100/1000

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