
Tuesday 14 January 2014

Warhammer: Plaz-Tik the Barbarian

I thought we better have a break from my ramblings about Donnybrook, at least until I start painting some miniatures, and get back on the painting horse after a few days break. So, for your edification and delight I present Plaz-Tik the Barbarian!

Plaz-Tik is, of course, a very old Citadel plastic barbarian from the classic Heroquest board game. I have a pile of these one piece figures from the game purchased a few years back off a bring and buy at some show. Looking at them the other day I thought I'd see if the rough and ready paint, wash and highlight technique would work on large expanses of flesh. I think the result is ok and will do for unit fillers but not as good as the old layering technique.

2014 Painting Target: 30/1000