
Tuesday 7 January 2014

Land Ironclads: Aurorean Martian Contraptions and Infantry

The Aurorean Martians, being introduced into Land Ironclads via the forthcoming Belgian supplement, are based on the race of Martians that appear in George Griffith's Astronef scientific romance and are not related to the Wellsian Olympian Martians that invaded Earth in the original rulebook. 

The race Griffiths described is technologically advanced to a point of stagnation and I was not sure exactly what look to go with until I discovered these wonderful looking models in Irregular Miniatures 2mm SF range, with their vaguely "Art Deco" look. These models are IKSF11 Alien Scout Vehicle and will see service as Aurorean Camros class contraptions.

I have realised that I have based the models on a land ironclad bases (40mm deep) not a contraptions one (30mm) and will correct this asap.  I am going to order some other Irregular models from the same range to use as Aurorean land ironclads.

For the Aurorean infantry I wanted to avoid both the close order look of the European colonial infantry and an irregular native look, so have used Irregular's IK1 Infantry Section from their C20th range. I think it looks ok and provides a contrast to the human troops shown yesterday.

2014 Painting Target: 29/1000

1 comment:

  1. At that scale, the infantry can be from nearly any period as long as they are spaced how you like. It isn't like anyone is going to call you out on the Model 1898 rifle as opposed to the Model 1873, which had three retaining bands rather than only two. Or whatever.

    Nice looking stuff you have there. I have considered using 2mm troops fro Dystopian Wars, in place of the tokens. Same size base as the token, but a better 3-D feel. What do you think about it?
