
Friday 22 November 2013

(Africa Month) Riffi Warrior Test Piece

I decided to try out the same technique that had proven successful (and quick) painting the Fon on one of the Rif tribesman I bought off Richard Baber. I'm not sure who the sculptor is or why the range was not put into production, whilst not Copplestone or Artizan standard, it is decent enough and better than many of the Old Glory historicals.

I didn't do a lot of research on painting the figure, I used Richard's blog as my source knowing he'd done the donkey work. As with the Fon I block painted the figure, washed it with the Flames of War Brown Shade wash and then carefully drybrushed some areas with the original base colour. It is a really easy technique and produces decent enough results. My only reservation is with the tribesman's coat being a tad dark and I may use a lighter base colour next time to provide more contrast...