
Sunday 29 September 2013

Ragnarok Hits The Six-Oh!

Over the last few weeks I have been working hard to bring Ragnarok 60 together. As you are (hopefully) aware Ragnarok is the journal of the Society of Fantasy and Science Fiction Wargamers which has a somewhat irregular publication schedule. This is down to a mixture of factors but largely down to getting people to write stuff and me having the time to edit and DTP it. That said I think it looks pretty good and the content is usually very interesting as it is written by gamers with a love of the games rather than companies trying to sell them.

I've got a couple of pages left to finish off before we go to print but I thought I'd give you a heads up so you have the opportunity to get on board before its printed.

Contents are as follows:

Into the Big Meg - a look at the new Judge Dredd Miniatures Game with scenario.
The Shopping Trip - a Flintloque scenario, Orcs v Othari
Zombies!!! Triffids!!! - introducing Triffids into Zombies!!!
Crystals from Dinom - Stargrunt scenario set in Traveller universe
The Scramble for Africa - an Aeronef campaign
The Fall of the North - the Dunlendings in LOTR
Death to the Strawheads - scenario for above
Blink! - Doctor Who scenario
Episode 25D - Space Vixens From Mars scenario set around the 1966 World Cup
Tanks v Tyrannosaurs - Lost Lands battle report
Out of the Abyss - Kings of War scenario
Confessions of a Serial Flasher - collecting Flash Gordon miniatures
Gruntz Revisited - a detailed look at the Gruntz rules and battle report

If this sounds like your kind of thing, you can join here.


  1. wow that looks like an interesting line-up!

  2. Huzzah!

    I'll be keeping an eye out for the postman (actually post ladies in my case), joking aside, it's great to see another edition of The Rag on its way.

    Very well done in putting it all together.

    Regards and thank you.


  3. Good work Steve!

    Really looking forward to this one.


