
Wednesday 17 July 2013

"Today We Face The Monsters At Our Door!" (and Where's Wallace?)

Today Saul and I went to see Pacific Rim, despite being a Guillermo del Toro film we set our expectations down a notch or to as it is at heart a Godzilla versus Battletech CGI blockbuster film and subtlety was not going to get a look in anywhere.

So what is it like? Well it is exactly what it says on the tin, giant monsters versus giant robots fighting, repeatedly, with lines of cheesy dialogue lifted from Independence Day. The CGI is good, the plot very limited but hell it is giant monsters and giant robots smashing seven kinds of crap out of each other (and the surrounding buildings), no more than that and really sometimes that is all we need when we go to the cinema. And of course it would make for a beer and pretzels wargame using cheap plastic Japanese robots and toy monsters...

Gromit of the Day:

Where's Wallace


  1. I want to go see this....looks like a decent beer and pretzel movie!

    Also, Wizkids is doing a Pacific Rim game...serious...

  2. " And of course it would make for a beer and pretzels wargame using cheap plastic Japanese robots and toy monsters.."

    With at least three or four commercial sets of rules available for it, (and some free, web-based ones too I believe).

    I've been giant-monster gaming for 8 or 9 years now, and still love it. My cheap plastic giant robot collection is a little limited, though, and I was disappointed to discover that my local town-centre is a desert when it comes to finding some.

    Needless to say, I loved 'Pacific Rim' :)

  3. Note to self: Fire the missiles first and then do hand to hand if that doesn't work and not the other way around. But like you said, fun to watch and eat popcorn!
