
Monday 22 July 2013

The Malnificent Seven? (and Canis Major)

I finally finished the last two models from the old 1984 Citadel Speciality Set 3 - Knights of Chaos. Two of the most untypical Chaos warriors you will see in the form of Tomar Spogh - Warrior of the Divine Tuluk and Rechgrundle - Warrior Maiden of Dim Ponn...

I really like both miniatures and they were hugely enjoyable to paint, even if I could not make my mind up on the colour for Tomar's coat (it was initially red, then plain blue before the final design).

It has been quite enjoyable painting up the odd miniatures individually for the sheer hell of it and has been a breath of fresh air after painting up units of troops. My initial plan for the miniatures was to include them in a generic mercenary/brigand unit for some Oldhammer games but they are so full of character I am formulating a different plan for them - after all there are seven of them... :-)

Gromit of the Day:

Canis Major


  1. Nice stuff. Its good to see these old mini's getting a new lease of life.

  2. I found my set of these in a zip lock bag last night - Jeez the greyness of the lead is scarey! Doesn't look like rot but after a recent scare I am worried!
