
Wednesday 12 June 2013

The Desolation of Tolkien?

You may recall that I was pretty excited when the trailer for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey was released and less so after I saw the film. Consequently I am trying to keep the Tolkien fanboy under control having watched the new trailer for December's The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug...

Some bits look stunning but having had the experience of Jackson's first attempt you can see the silly things that will grate like like the CGI elves running through the trees and the obvious 3D ninja action leaps into camera which is a shame as the slower sequences and panoramas are quite breath-taking. No doubt I will go and see it but I shall approach it with lowered expectations...


  1. I was so depicted with the first one!!!!!!.....
    I don't know if I'll see the others !

    All the Spirit of Tolkien's book is broken by the merchandising and the Hollywood touch !
    What a shame !!

    (It was a movie that must be done by the English Movies Makers and actors... but it's too late.)

  2. I am not a Tolkien fan boy by any stretch so have no axe to grind there - An Unexpected Journey was simply a poor movie (bad pacing, theme park ride set pieces, inconsistent effects etc) and doesn't give me much hope for the remaining two parts.

    1. Yes a bad movie ... even (and more!) for a Tolkien's Fan!
      I'm not sure that this guy is able to do a good movie.... but he makes a lot of money !

  3. I´ll watch it but as an Action film that has something to do with something mildly connected to a bloke who wrote a book a Long while back was it again? Oh yeh...loads of running about with legolas, the big Albino orc and the guy who used to Play Dr Who.

    1. Who was that guy who played Dr Who ???

    2. Sylvester McCoy, who plays Radagast the Brown, was the seventh Doctor.

  4. I've still not seen the first part yet.

  5. I loved it and looking forward to part 2. Peter Jackson and crew have made The Hobbit far more exciting. I love Tolkien but can't agree that the movies have ruined the stories written by JRR. It's just a different interpretation, or the chance to flesh out the story with parts missed or hinted at in the stories/appendices, etc.. I'm hoping for an epic encounter with the Necromancer/Sauron to be included in the film.

  6. I'm ok with the broadening out of the story - like Thranduril playing a larger part - to an extent, but stretching the book into three movies and turning everything into a fight/action sequence is what ruined the first (and by the trailer the second) film for me...

    1. Have to agree there; it's a slimmer volume than The Two Towers, yet Peter Jackson somehow gets three movies out of it?
