
Thursday 4 April 2013

(WWII Month) S is for SdKfz 251/1!

After posting yesterday about the Grenadier Zug and having a ponder about whether I should equip the infantry platoons with lorries or half-tracks I decided it would be a good idea to have a quick recce in the loft to see if there were any of either in "plastic kit hill" (a rarely visited adjacent mound next to "lead mountain").

Armourfast SdKfz 251/1 Ausf C
Lo and behold there was a box of HaT Armourfast SdKfz 251/1 containing two 1/72nd model kits. Now of course the logical thing to do is to buy another box. Ok, this would mean I had four half tracks but I'm sure I could find a use for the odd one. Off to eBay...

I now own five half tracks!

It is all Caliver's fault, they offered a box of three PSC SdKfz 251/1 for £12 post free, the cheapest HaT ones where a tenner. And the PSC ones have crew figures. And the gun to convert one into a SdKfz 251/10... I am sure there was a logic there somewhere.

PSC SdKfz 251/1 Ausf D
The only problem is the Armourfast are Ausf C models, the PSC ones Ausf D and the rears are distinctly different. I'm not sure whether mixed units where the norm, but I'll paint the three D's up for the Grenadiers and ponder what to do with the C's at a later date (probably put them back in the attic).

The models arrived today which was impressive in that I only ordered them yesterday. Less impressive was working in London and SWMBO intercepting the delivery! Curses... As well as the little Hasegawa Kübelwagen I also bought on eBay yesetrday (damn this excellent customer service!!!)

1 comment:

  1. I have a loft stuffed full of plastic things too...although the Ministry of the Interior thinks it's just for insulation.
