
Friday 8 March 2013

International Women's Day: The Night Witches

Today, as I am sure you all know(!), is International Women's Day. Whilst doing some research for work I got a little side tracked reading about the exploits of the Soviet all-female 588th Night Bomber Regiment (later renamed the 46th "Taman" Guards Night Bomber Aviation Regiment), nicknamed by the Germans the Nachthexen, the Night Witches.

As a kid I recall one storyline in Johnny Red featuring Soviet female pilots flying combat missions in rickety Polikarpov Po-2, little did I realise at the time that the story was based on fact.

There is a really interesting BBC podcast documentary that you can download here on the Night Witches that is well worth listening to and it seems apt today to celebrate the achievements and bravery of the Night Witches...


1 comment:

  1. Very interesting.

    I did not know of this group or story.

