
Sunday 24 February 2013

Zvezda Armada Invincible Game

Following on from yesterday's post about Zvezda's modern Art of Tactic game, there is also news that they will be producing a naval version set around the time of the Armada.

A bit of investigation has turned up some interesting photos...

The models are apparently 1/350th scale which, I think, should put the ships in the 15cm long ballpark...

The planned releases appear to be:

6500 - Revenge
6501 - Great Harry (Henry Grace à Dieu)
6502 - San Martin
6503 - San Francisco
6504 - Armada Invincible starter set


  1. As if I didn't have enough things to distract me!!

  2. Hi Steve,

    That looks really good - I mean REALLY GOOD!!!!!

    Compatible with Dreadfleet perhaps?

    All the best,


  3. Oh wow, that looks too awesome! I'm with David M. As if I don't have enough to do!
