
Saturday 26 January 2013

Dipping Vehicles

Having gone over to the "dip side"when it comes to painting figures en masse I have been pondering the possibilities of dipping vehicles using the Army Painter dips. With most miniatures we use Strong Tone (that has a dark drown tint), occasionally using Soft Tone on lighter miniatures (hoplites for example) but I was wondering how much use Dark Tone (with its black pigment) would be especially on vehicles.

Consequently I dug out this 6mm scale Old Crow hovercraft which has been sat around for a little while to experiment on. I'm not sure if the photos show what a decent effect it has produced but I am very pleased with it, especially given how smooth a model this is. I'm going to try it some more on a few other vehicles (including the die-cast Somua S35) but am mentally planning digging out my old NAC and ESU Full Thrust fleets and repainting them (I was never 100% happy with my dry-brushed efforts previously).

Whilst I was in a dipping mood I also dipped all the zombies so hopefully I am still on target to get these finished in "Zombie Month".


  1. Hi Steve,

    I think the effect on the Hovercraft looks great - less easy to see on the other figures.

    I've kept away from the DIP - but have fallen into the habit of using washes.

    For single figures or small groups I'm not sure this is the way forward (at least for me) but for larger groups then I can see the attraction.


    1. The main difference I have found is that washes (which I use for small areas) don't spread into the recesses as easily. I'd suggest getting a tin and experimenting (though it is smelly!)

  2. I've no experience of dips to be fair the results do look good though. I tend to use washes my self but thats because my out put is so slow.

  3. That hovercraft is looking really neat. My issue with 'quick shade' products has always been the nasty, nasty shine, but your's looks all-right. Has it got a coat of Matt Varnish or something?

    Look lookin' stuff.


    1. Yes, The final stage of the process is a matt varnish. I use GW's one but Army Painter do an Anti-Shine.

  4. Please can we see some closeups of the zombies

    1. When finished! :-) They've been matt varnished today and the sand is drying on their bases at the moment...
