
Friday 9 November 2012

World War WTF?

Like many zombie fans I've been looking forward to World War Z being released at the cinemas. Having seen the trailer below I am now unsure...


  1. Brad Pitt redoes Resident Evil....yea, looks like crap. Video.

  2. It appears to have no connection with the book. Bizarrely, the filmmakers have taken a unique zombie story and turned it into a a bland, run-of-the-mill zombie flick.

  3. It looks watchable enough as a generic zombie movie... but although there appear to be a couple of 'nods' to the book, most of it looks to bare no relation what so ever. It's a pity really - as Tim says, they taken something unique and removed almost all the elements that made it unique. Well done Hollywood *bangs head on table*

  4. Only Brad Pitt can save the world! It's not the book I remember reading...

  5. What a crock nothing remotely like the book. Aww well I will watch it on dvd. Disappointed fan. WTF Max Brooks.....

  6. The book would NOT have made a good movie. The style of the book really precludes it from jumping to big screen. It would have made an excellent cable TV series where each chapter and separate story could be a separate episode.

    I just don't like seeing zombie reduced to the humanoid equivalent of army ants.


  7. Wow, lots of post-trailer negative vibes. This doesn't look *that* bad and it's a big budget zombie flick with the widest target audience yet which is a great paving stone for future zombpocalypse movies. The "army ant" idea is a really neat twist on the 'running zombies' take and kind of refreshing in that respect.

    Plus, I didn't like the book (shock! gasp!) all that much anyway, so please, depart away.

  8. I'm with MIK on this, doesn't look too bad at all.

  9. Me like. Looks like a great shoot em up horror

  10. So it seems that if you read and liked the book, the movie is no remake, and if you did not read or did not like the book the films is great. Now what glasses am I to take with me to the theatre.....3D probably !
