
Tuesday 28 February 2012

40K 25th Anniversary (Imperial Army III)

Along with Imperial Army troops I also found half a dozen Ratling (or Halfling to you and me) snipers from 1987. At the time I did think these miniatures stupidly silly and whilst I still think they are rather silly they do have a certain appeal so painted them up at the same time.


  1. I'm enjoying this series a lot. It really is good to see them painted up in this style.

    1. Thanks Porky, I thought I better get them done after a quarter of a century! :-)

  2. Not related so much to this post, I wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your blog. I just read the entire thing, all the way back to the first post. Well, not "just", it took me two days. Thanks for the enjoyment.

    1. Thanks, sound like me reading through Iron Mitten's blog last year! :-) I'm glad you enjoyed it, it is much fun doing it and encourages me to made inroads into Lead Mountain at a faster rate than I might have otherwise.

  3. Sold off my IG army from the 90's years ago, but kept this whole squad, they're truly the easiest snipers to secret on a gaming table. Nice to see another group painted up! :)

  4. I recently painted up several of these rogue trader era ratling snipers for a sniper platoon I played in an apocalypse game.

