
Sunday 5 June 2011

Tanks For The Pressies...

Another year older last week and SWMBO* bought me some really nice wargaming pressies in the form of a box of the new 20mm Plastic Soldier Company PzIV and a box of the T34. Both sets contain three models and allow for a number of variants. The T34 has separate turrets to allow you to make T34/76 or T34/85 (indeed change them from game to game as required), the PzIV contains various bits to allow you to make either Ausf F1, F2, G or H variants (as you can see from the sprue layout below).

I haven't had a chance to make up the models yet but the sprues are crisply moulded and details well defined, I am especially impressed with the PzIV Ausf H with its skirt and turret armour. I must say I am really enthused by these kits and am looking forward to making them up, they offer good value, the two piece track assembly is really clever and the ability to make up a number of variants from one box very welcome. I can see myself buying many more PSR AFV kits...

* SWMBO would like it commented that PSR customer service was top notch and they were very helpful...


  1. Very good, been interested in these since they were first announced, but my painting is so woefully slow that I will have clear my backlog of unfinished plastic/lead first...;)

  2. Many Happy returns for last week my good man!
