
Monday 23 May 2011

(Moderns Month) US Mechanized Infantry

I finished the first squad of US Mechanized Infantry during my lunch break today, I must say I'm really pleased with the end result. As with the Soviets I have published a stage by stage guide on the Whirarwistan blog.

The squad is a mix of Esci and Revell plastics. I like both but if revisiting the project I would probably go with the Revell miniatures which have a slightly more realistic baggy look, that said the Esci models are finely sculpted and paint up nicely. The colours are slightly exaggerated from what they should be, but I think this is necessary to ensure they look correct on the tabletop and maintain the distinctive look of the US desert choc-chip camo.

I need to crack on with the remaining two squads for the Soviets and Americans this week but have slightly side-tracked myself by a commitment to get Dick Garrison Rapid Launch out in May, then realising I hadn't painted up any League of Nations Space Navy troops for the PDF cover. I have been working on a section in rotation with the US infantry (and the Orcs) and they shouldn't take long too finish or stop me getting back on track with the moderns.

Unfortunately I have shelved plans to paint up some 28mm England Prevails 2ECW figures this month. Looking at what I have I want to do some conversions to fit them in the background (I've got to have one trade union militiaman in a donkey jacket!) so they've been put back in the draw fttb...


  1. Nicely done, the link to the other blog didn't work.

  2. Fixed - seems Blogger doesn't like half a link in Bold and half not... :-)

  3. They look great, especially for bendy plastic figures.
