
Saturday 8 January 2011

Leviathan Dwarf War Golem

Last year Leutenant Brittan, who runs an excellent blog for the old post-apocalyptic fantasy game Leviathan ran a give-away of various odds and sods of models from the Scotia range, the only condition was you had to paint it! Fortunately he didn't stipulate a time limit... :-)

Several months later I have finished the Mk 2 War Golem he sent me!

Whilst the model is a bit static and I must confess I prefer the original Mk 1 Golems (one of which I have 80% painted), I am quite happy with the finished model that has now been donated to Saul's Dwarf Hold (we'll have to come up with some WHFB rules for it).

I do have a small pile of other Leviathan models in the attack, including Orc dinosaurs. I had originally planned to use them for Flintloque but will probably now look to use them in WHFB.


  1. He´s huge!! I love the added smoke coming out of him.

  2. Excellent stuff!

    Its great to see it painted!

    Do you mind if I post the pictures over on my Leviathan blog?

    All the best!

  3. Looks great!

    I will probably be investing in a few Leviathan models myself, I'll be using them with the AA Orcs and Goblins range, I love those minis!


  4. @Leutenant Brittan - feel free, I think that was condition 2! :-) Sorry it took so long...

  5. Not to worry!

    It was worth the wait!

    All the best!

  6. Being a good friend of Robbie at Scotia Grendel (and having worked with him on several Scotia Grendel projects) we regularly discussed the Dwarven War Golems.

    It was always at the back of our minds to develop a gladiatorial combat system with the Golems, Steam-mech against Steam-mech and put it on as a participation game at some shows. We never did get around to it, but it is one of the ideas we all regret not following up on!

  7. I have this fellow too, I plan on using him as a chaos dwarf kolossus. This one looks great! I'm loving the smoke.
