
Thursday 27 January 2011

Leave The Libraries Alone

I don't know how many of you have had the chance to read Philip Pullman's excellent speech about the value of libraries, but if you haven't you should go here and do so.

I'm not going to go all political but if it wasn't for little old Clevedon library I may never have discovered wargaming (they had all the Grant and Featherstone books) or such a love of military history (the head librarian, a WW2 forces veteran, made sure they had plenty of Men-at-Arms in stock).

Public libraries are a national treasure. They may need updating and made more relevant (whatever that means) but they don't need closing...


  1. Seconded; I too discovered the Hobby in exactly those same circumstances - borrowing books on my Mum's ticket on Saturday afternoons...... mind you, I have to confess I can't remember the last time I actually used the Library.....

  2. Eventually that State will get you all as stupid as they want you all to be...or as they think you will be. The further education system costs a fortune, the libraries closing...BBC being reined in and staff/service cute..attempts to control the internet, what next schools and kinder gardens shut or on half time? I don´t know, but from here it all looks a bit like east germany in the 70´s. Except a bit more controlled.

    Sorry, if that was all a bit too political then please delete it.

  3. Ah, well, what about them crushing one of Britain's biggest industries? The art industry has taken years to build up since the 80s in the UK and they just want to crush it all again. Complete and utter madness.

    Can't believe how much havoc this is all going to cause.


  4. Thanks for the link.

    I'm a history teacher... so you know where I stand.
