
Monday 27 December 2010

Special Penguin Light Assault Team

Naturally, no Killer Death Penguin Commando leader would dream of going into battle without a recce unit and fortunately Team Frog have included such in their range in the form of the S.P.L.A.T. (Special Penguin Light Assault Team), four Killer Death Penguins on skateboards!

Whilst the figures themselves were quite straightforward, being in a mix of helmets and berets it was obvious they had to be painted up as paras, the skateboards did cause me a temporary mental painting block. Despite some interesting (and very colourful) suggestions to a request for ideas on TMP, I did have a "eureka!' moment and painted them in the British WW2 'Mickey Mouse ears' camo pattern (Mickey being a cartoon character etc), and I think this has worked very well...


  1. I love the range of miniatures for Critter Commandos, it's great to see them get some attention. Nice work on these penguins and the ones from your earlier post, too. I really like the color scheme you picked out, it looks great on them. You've also reminded me I have hidden somewhere a couple of boxes, turtles and ducks I think, from years ago that would be fun to paint... thanks!
