
Monday 16 August 2010

Junkers D.I

A bit of decal frenzy last night saw me complete the Reviresco Junkers D.I, the first all metal fighter plane to enter service in 1918. The Junkers apparently lacked the maneuverability to be a frontline fighter in 1918 so was passed to the Navy and the 12 produced were deployed the Eastern Front following the 1918 armistice. Whilst it had limited use in WWI, it is such a nice looking design that it would make a great fighter for Inter-War imagi-nation wars if one was so inclined.

The Reviresco model is another nice one and was easy to put together. I couldn't find a lot of information on the correct camo scheme so have followed the pattern used by a number of aircraft modelers after a bout of Google-fu. Optionally I could have gone for an all-metal finish but as I haven't cracked the skill of painting (and varnishing) all metal finishes to my satisfaction I went with the green/purple look.

The decals are the ever fantastic Dom's Decals. Unfortunately Dom is between printers and the 1/144th range is temporarily out of stock, but luckily Dom still had one sheet of the later war German crosses left so I could finish the model.

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