
Tuesday 18 May 2010

ONESS Artillery & Brigade Command

A certain clamour on the Brigade Models forum reminded me that I only have the Germans left to paint to enable the PDF of Iron Cow to be released, so I have commenced painting operations! The intention was that I would paint them in the same camo pattern as my old Scotia 2300AD Germans but black undercoat technique and colours available meant this wasn't possible, so I've settled on this green and brown camo pattern.

I still need to do a little more work on the Brigade Command Unit and Artillery Battery pictured here, but I am pleased with the overall look. The miniatures are from the Brigade Models Iron Cow line.

On an unrelated note I picked up an interesting toy from the local Entertainer shop on Saturday that looks like it'll make a great VSF vehicle. It's currently drying after being undercoated but hopefully as it'll be predominantly dark grey/black I may get this finished by the weekend (though I am working away for a couple of nights this week). More on this soon...

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