
Friday 18 December 2009

Death In The Snow

As most of England is under six inches of snow I have to report not a flake in sunny Bristol (much to Saul's disappointment) though it is bloody freezing!

Inspired by Iron Mitten's 'It's Snowing' picture, I remembered I had intended to post some pictures of my old Deadloque collection on the blog come winter so here are a couple of pictures of the Elves, some of my favourite Flintloque miniatures, full of character and wrapped up to survive the bitter cold of the Witch-Lands.

The picture above is of the command figures including Etienne Gerard reborn from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's stories into a legendary Elven commander for the game, below are some of the excellent rank and file (it would be great if the Perry's did a Retreat From Moscow line wouldn't it?).

Hopefully I'll get a chance to post some pictures of the undead tomorrow...


  1. Very nice, I like the weathering on the bottom of the great coats.

  2. Great to see!
    I still haven't painted mine up!

    Just last night I was thinking, will Steve ever post up his Flintloque miniatures? I loved the old uniformation articles and crazy ideas you had for conversions (Kinkon Delta, Orc Marines from the Union of Seccessionist Albionites)! Brilliant stuff.

