
Friday 7 August 2009

Veni, Vidi... Oooh Shiny!

I would just like to say - it was not my fault!

First off it's Saul's - he said he thought that the new plastic Celts from Wargames Factory and Warlord Games would make a great Sigmar era WHFB army so I bought a couple of boxes for a rainy day...

Then Wargames Illustrated has a special on Caesar's campaign in Gaul with lots of pretty colour pictures...

Then the History Channel had Alesia as this week's featured battle in Battles B.C. ...

And finally the straw that broke the camel's back, North Star are flogging the Wargames Factory Republican Romans off at £13.00 a box - how can any wargamer resist 28mm scale miniatures at just 27p a figure?!!

Anyhow I am now the proud owner of 96 plastic Republican Romans which I am trying to keep in their boxes! I have had a quick look at the figures and they aren't as bad as some people have made out and should look ok when painted up (I suspect this will be a Dip job).

Rules wise we'll just use Warhammer, I'm not sure on army composition as strangely Warhammer Historical have appeared to ignore popular ancient eras (such as Caesar's conquest of Gaul) to do the more obscure (c'mon, Vlad the Impaler or Julius Caesar?). Any thoughts on unit size (or a list) for WAB and other troops needed for Gaul and Germany (and maybe the Civil War) would be appreciated.

They may also get double duty by using them in Fantasy Battles maybe with some wizards if I can find some suitable figures...

Update: found a set of WAB lists for the Late Republican Romans here. An earlier version of the same list contains a number of interesting scenarios and can be found here. Looks like I might have a few too many miniatures in which case I am thinking of painting the odds up as Roman Marines for naval skirmishes...

1 comment:

  1. Check the Spartacus book for late republic romans too.
