
Saturday 4 July 2009

Summer Project: 20mm Eastern Front

During last year's summer holidays Saul and I started on our WWII Eastern Front project but our initial spurt of enthusiasm didn't last although we did manage to get a fair bit painted, especially on the German side (the idea being that the Soviets would be easier and quicker to paint when painting fatigue kicked in).

The project did allow me to clear out some very old plastic kits sitting in the attic including a couple of Matchbox Panthers, a Jadgpanzer IV/70 and this Jadgpanther which I added side skirts to from a strip of plasticard.

Ruleswise we picked up Battlefield Evolution: World at War, which is a very simple set of rules and quite fun (if not too realistic). The first infantry painted up was a Pioneer Section (sporting MP44's) mainly from the Italeri Elite German troop pack with some Revell thrown in for variety.

The Revell figures are really very nice and the plastic is easy to cut and superglue works well on them, The MG is an example of how easy it is to convert as I removed the ridiculous wooden crate the gunner is balancing his weapon on and replaced it with a bit of wall.

With the school summer holidays only a week away we will no doubt be returning to the Russian Front and in preparation I did pick up some diecast tanks from a model shop in Eastbourne this week including a King Tiger which I am sure Saul will love (I also picked up an M1A1 for no other reason than it looked nice, and four M4A3 Shermans for an American force once the Germans and Russkis are done...).

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