
Saturday 18 July 2009

Attack 2009

Saul and I went to Attack in Devizes today to see what we could spend our hard earned money on (I say "our" hard earned money, Saul had to blag some off SWMBO as he forgot to get some out of his account!). A bit of a sprawling show across three large halls at a local school, Attack was a definite pot purri, most games lacked aesthetically with the emphasis being put on participation (not a bad thing but it made for very few photos) and there were a lot of secondhand traders or resellers, not many companies seemed to be present (that said I still managed to spend some dosh!).

Games wise a few caught the eye. First off was this Aliens demo game using the old Leading Edge Games boardgame rules. The scenery was nicely constructed and quite inspiring...

One game that I really did like was this El Cid game using 54mm HaT figures. The large numbers of brightly coloured miniatures especially eye-catching. HaT intend to produce some 28mm scale hard plastic El Cid miniatures which could well be useful for War Of The Ring games as well...

The other two games I liked the look of was this Secrets of the Third Reich game with a V2 as the centerpiece (though as Saul said who'd want to be that close to a V2!). The other was the 28mm Russian Civil War game below. I've always had a fascination with the RCW but never bought any figures, I guess if I do it'll either be 6mm or 20mm to tie in with the WWI miniatures I have.

So what did I spend my money on? Well apart from Saul's birthday present which I can't mention as he reads the blog (!) the highlight was a wonderful resin orc skull cave from Dreamholme Scenics. They produce some fantastic resin items including an amazing Viking chieftan's hall, unfortunately their website is absolute pants which is a shame as their products are very good. I also picked up a weather dice (for Aeronef) from em-4 (and Saul picked up a couple of emotidice, obviously he'll roll this in the morning and it'll decide his mood for the day!) and Saul bought me three goatmen from Gary Mitchell's Vixens in Space range.

Talking of which Saul played (and won) a game of Space VixensEnemy At The Goat, before playing three games of Wings of War (I played two, siding with Saul in the last and shooting down a Gotha bomber).


  1. Sounds like you had a good time mate. Didn't manage to go as it sounds like even young Saul has more dosh than I do at the moment!
    Had I gone, I could have chased you down for replies to the messages I have sent you that have gone unreplied!
    I didn't think you did any shows other than Salute, but glad you both had a good time. Perhaps we can meetup at the next show you plan on going to, to chat about the progress of PZF:L...


  2. No we only go to shows that don't clash with the choir commitments (and obviously as a trader I don't know far enough in advance when there is a weekend off) - even Salute falls victim to this and I don't know if 2010 is a go or not...

    Messages? Ha, deleted Inbox in OS upgrade. Send again...

  3. Fair enough Steve.
    Shame that you can't trade at shows, I'd be more than happy to help.
    I'll resend.
