
Thursday 26 February 2009

Steve's Brand New Hobby!

Karen (aka She Who Must Be Obeyed) decided that as I enter my dotage (40's) that I needed to "get out and about" and could do with a relaxing stress free hobby (not sure why painting and wargaming isn't "stress free" but there you go...), so she bought me a set of golf clubs and enrolled me for six starter lessons at the Woodspring Golf and Country Club!

Having just had my first lesson with Kevin I must say that this was not the "soft, easy, stroll round and just knock a few balls in a hole hobby" that I thought, my lower back is killing me and my body is telling me I have muscles in places I never knew they existed! Kevin stated it was the equivalent of doing two hours ironing which I had to take his word for! :-)

Still, it's all in a good cause I suppose and I'll enjoy the benefits of strolling round some warm exotic Mediterranean golf course in my 60's!

Back to the toy soldiers tomorrow, if I can move...

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