
Monday 30 May 2022

Chain of Command: Und Uns Kann Die Ganze Welt...

Und uns kann die ganze Welt 

Verfluchen oder auch loben,

Grad wie es jedem gefällt

Teufelslied (Devil's Song)

Recently Andy invited Phil, George and myself to play a 'Big' Chain of Command game with him set in Normandy 1944.  As per Andy's notes: "The scenario was set on 26th June 1944, day 2 of Operation Martlet (the flank attack in support of Operation Epsom). The 1st Tyneside Scottish, of 49th West Riding Division were attacking La Grande Ferme to the north west of Rauray, supported by tanks from the 4/7th Royal Dragoon Guards of 8th Armoured Brigade. They were met by 12th SS Hitler Jugend Panzer division. It's a "semi-historical" scenario, using the 'attack-counterattack' scenario from the 2013 Lardy Christmas Special." George and Phil took the role of the British, Andy and myself the Germans...

Given command of the German infantry my initial command dice roll not only allowed my to deploy an MG42 team in a decent defensive position in the orchard...

But also a section of infantry - and retain control. Having a second command phase I decided to risk a run at the hedgerow which would have given me a covered position overlooking one of the British jump off points. Unfortunately despite rolling 3D6 to cover the eleven inches my lads only covered five! 

A situation made worse by the British then deploying off the jump off point I had looked to nullify...

And then reach the very cover I had tried to secure!

Despite the initial setback I decided the Tommies would not stand up to two MG42 LMG's so blasted away at the hedgerow!

Once again my dice rolling was pitiful and the British section took a couple of points of Shock and suffered no casualties.

Their return fire was devastating and my section caught in the open was pretty much decimated!

Tossing a smoke grenade for cover the survivors of the first section made a dash for safety.

With a second British section moving up through the woods alongside the farm...

I decided to be more cautious with my second section and move them forward through the orchard.

Hearing the clank of approaching panzers, the British deployed a 6 pounder next to the farm.

Popping off a shot, but missing, on oncoming Panzer IV.

A second Panzer IV then appeared on the left flank to thwart the British advance there. The Tommies popping off smoke between their position and the MG42 in the orchard.

The first Panzer IV advanced down the road...

Whilst the 6 pounder fired a second ineffective shot at it.

Then more German armour arrived - a mighty Panther!

The 6 pounder popped off a round at this new target and managed to inflict Shock on the Panzer V!

However return fire saw one of the gun crew perish.

Meanwhile back on the left the survivors of the first section were polished off by British Bren gun fire.

The loss of the section, its leader and some bad dice rolling saw the German Force Morale fall to just one! :-(

The original Panzer IV moved forward trading shots with the 6 pounder.

When a British Sherman appeared from behind the farm.

The second British infantry section took up position alongside the first in the hedgerow...

Whilst the MG42 was thwarted from raking the hedgerow due to mortar smoke fire from the farm.

More support for the German arrive in the form of an Ie.IG 18 75mm infantry support gun. This will clear the hedgerows!

The first British section was starting to suffer the effects of HE rounds from the second Panzer IV...

But the German advance was still stalled.

The more British armour arrived - the deadly Sherman Firefly with its 17 pounder gun! :-(

Not that it was needed as the original Sherman fired...

And slammed a 75mm round into the Panzer IV! Fortunately the German Force Morale survived its loss.

The Firefly then moved forward to engage the Panther...

Whilst the German support gun positioned itself to make use of a gap in the smoke and fired into the British held hedge...

Killing four of the Tommies.

The second German section took the opportunity to add to this and opened fire themselves...

Wounding the British NCO and piling Shock on the section.

Meanwhile a third British tank arrived, another 75mm armed Sherman.

The Firefly moving cautiously through the farmyard to hunt down the Panther.

I then used a Command Dice to enact a chapter end, which resulted in all smoke being removed from the battlefield...

The German infantry were able to pour fire into the British defenders. The first British section fell back with its leader wounded...

Whilst the remaining PzIV fired HE into the second British section...

Breaking the Tommies...

And killing their leader.

With the British right flank suddenly looking open the Panzer IV advanced...

Only to see a Sherman advancing towards it...

Unfortunately at this point we had to call it a night, but the British were awarded bragging rights as they still controlled the farm, had more armoured assets left and the German Force Morale was in such a precarious position.

Obviously my rash attempt to seize the hedgerow at the start of the game resulted in us being on the back foot for most of the game but the opportunity was there and even with my abysmal dice rolling I wasn't expecting to score 5 on 3D6! Also we probably could have done with sorting a plan between Andy and myself in the first place, and maybe using some of the infantry to support the two tanks on the German right.

Sunday 22 May 2022

The War of the Eight Year: Sea Peoples Archers

As I started work on a new project (more on this soon) I realised I hadn't posted pictures of the last unit (for the time being) of my Chariots Rampant Sea People's Army...

Like the rest of this army the miniatures are from Newline Designs and block painted before being given a Soft Tone "dip". This is my first "all metal" army that I've painted in a log time.

Th Archers takes my Sea Peoples up to 30 points. I have some unpainted Sherden that can take them up to 36 points and will also be able to fight as mercenaries with my New Kingdom Egyptians (when I find them!)

Wednesday 18 May 2022

The War of the Eight Year: Sea Peoples Light Infantry

Some cannon fodder for my Chariots Rampant Sea Peoples army - two units of Light Infantry (Foot Yeoman in Lion Rampant speak) from Newline Designs...

The miniatures are very similar to the Spearman thought these are unarmoured, but painted up nice using the same block paint and Soft Tone dip approach as used on the previous miniatures.

Just some archers to finish off and they'll be ready to go off and ravage the Hittite Empire...

Tuesday 17 May 2022

The War of the Eight Year: Sea Peoples Spearmen

Backing up the chariots for the Sea Peoples the first two units of foot - some Spearmen (in Chariots Rampant terms, Foot Serjeants in Lion Rampant).

Again these are Newline Design miniatures, block painted and "dipped" with Army Painter Soft Tone dip (painted on if truth be told).

I've started switching to 2x2 four man sabots as experience with other sizes has demonstrated some lack of flexibility in games, Thinking hat maybe I should go with less regular designs for Bronze Age types and use these for later drilled units but most Ancients gamers seem to have their troops quite regularly formed...