
Monday 12 October 2015

Emus 1 Australian Army 0

You got to love history, no matter how much you think you know there is always something new for you to discover. Today that was the Great Emu War of 1932!

This amazing episode in Australian military history is wonderfully illustrated here on Veritable Hokum and described on Wikipedia.

Sunday 11 October 2015

Panzerfäuste - Funded and Growing!

Well the last 48 hours have been extremely exciting! The Panzerfäuste Kickstarter was funded in two hours! It's now pushing through the stretch goals and already over 175 miniatures have been funded, as well as two rulebooks, two magick card decks and some nifty dice.

These are the miniatures that have been funded so far, looking forward to seeing how far it goes... :-)

Thursday 8 October 2015

Panzerfäuste Kickstarter Starts Tomorrow...

Got to say I am one very excited bunny at the moment...

Some lucky people got to see these in Essen today...

Tuesday 6 October 2015

What is Panzerfäuste?

Tia Serag aka Dready has produced this wonderful little video overview of Panzerfäuste if you want to know more about it...